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DNC Member James Zogby Lays Out Biden Replacement Plan to Solve Kamala Harris and Chaos Problems

DNC member James Zogby proposes a process to replace Biden on 2024 ticket amid concerns over his performance and electability.

Democratic National Committee (DNC) member James Zogby presented a detailed plan on CNN for potentially replacing President Joe Biden on the Democratic ticket for the 2024 election. Following Biden's lackluster debate performance, which was heavily criticized for his stumbling and raspy voice, discussions about the president stepping down have gained momentum among voters, the media, and Democratic officials.

Zogby outlined a "controlled process" to the DNC chair that would involve a new nominee being drafted through a "mini primary process." He emphasized the importance of time in politics, stating that weeks can make a significant difference. The proposed plan would involve DNC members endorsing candidates, who would then be certified by the party secretary and participate in televised town halls sponsored by the party leading up to the convention.

By limiting the field to a select few candidates, Zogby believes the process would be respectful and exciting, drawing parallels to the election of former President John F. Kennedy. He suggested that Vice President Kamala Harris would benefit from an early decision by Biden to step down, giving her the opportunity to showcase her capabilities and energize the party.

While some DNC members have expressed support for Zogby's proposal, Democratic Party leadership has not responded. Zogby emphasized that the decision ultimately rests with Biden, who must determine whether he will leave office. He believes his plan could address concerns about Harris, potential chaos, or a victory by former President Donald Trump.

Zogby highlighted the potential for energy and excitement generated by the proposed process, leading to a consensus candidate emerging from the convention with strong momentum heading into the general election. Democratic Reps. Lloyd Doggett and Mike Quigley have also weighed in on the situation, with MSNBC's Joe Scarborough noting the challenges Biden faces in his re-election bid following his poor debate performance.

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