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British Cycling chief hopes Sir Mark Cavendish delays retirement after Tour de France success

Record-breaking Tour de France win for Sir Mark Cavendish may lead to Paris Olympics participation, delaying possible retirement decision.

Sir Mark Cavendish, the Manx Missile, has achieved a remarkable feat by winning his 35th stage at the Tour de France, breaking a long-standing record. Despite being 39 years old, there are hopes that he may continue competing and even participate in the Paris Olympics. British Cycling is eager for him to delay his retirement and continue to inspire others in the sport.

Performance director Stephen Park expressed his admiration for Cavendish's skills and experience, noting that he is still actively involved in British Cycling and is being considered for major races, including the Olympics and world championships. His recent victory showcased his expertise in sprinting and his ability to time his efforts perfectly to secure a win.

Cavendish's achievements as a road racing sprinter have earned him the title of the world's greatest in the eyes of many, including Park. Despite facing setbacks such as a broken collarbone, he has shown resilience and determination to return to the sport and make history. British Cycling believes that he still has more to offer and hopes that he can continue to inspire young cyclists to pursue their dreams.

As the Lloyds Bank Tour of Britain approaches, there is anticipation that Cavendish will participate and have the opportunity to showcase his talents in front of British crowds. His success at the Tour de France serves as a source of inspiration for young riders, demonstrating the excitement and thrill of competitive cycling. With his remarkable achievements and ongoing dedication to the sport, Cavendish's legacy is set to endure for years to come.

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