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Grammy Award for Best New Artist News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under Grammy Award for Best New Artist News Section?

Behind the Scenes of The Grammy's Best New Artist

You know what they say: First impressions matter! That’s precisely why The Grammy Award for Best New Artist is like the cherry on top for budding talents. Curious about who and what lies beneath this prestigious award title? Well then, let's deep dive into it!

So, who or what can we find under the banner of ‘Best new Artist’?

In essence, the award crowns a newbie in music that truly made waves in their very first year – someone whose fresh tunes touched strings across multiple hearts. It opens doors to a plethora of stories about these artists; their journey till now, personal inspirations and struggles faced during album creations.

  • Billie Eilish, 2020’s winner was only 18 when she earned this title! Vocal with her struggles regarding mental health has even transcended into her music telling a story of authenticity and vulnerability.
  • In contrast we have Sam Smith, 2014’s winner - an artist bold with his self-expression dovetailing him as an icon within LGBTQ+ community.

Talk about variety!

Beyond 'The Winners' Club'

The "Grammy For Best New artist", isn't just limited to profiling winners but also highlights spicy controversies raised by runner-ups or disqualifications due to technicalities; creating engaging dialogues around industry dynamics.

Imagine if you will- where does one draw line on "new "? Does having previous singles rule out eligibility?

No wonder it makes headline news every time nominations are up!

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