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Tom Hanks' Reaction to Carly Reeves' 'Claim to Fame' Appearance Unveiled, Reveals Reeves

Tom Hanks' niece Carly Reeves talks about his reaction to her appearance on "Claim to Fame" reality show.

Carly Reeves, who shares a family connection with Tom Hanks through his wife Rita Wilson, has become the talk of the town after her dramatic breakdown on the popular reality show "Claim to Fame."

In an exclusive interview with Entertainment Weekly, the 39-year-old actress opened up about her uncle's reaction to her appearance on the show. When asked how Tom responded upon hearing the news of her participation, Carly revealed that her uncle was filled with excitement.

"He [Tom Hanks] was genuinely thrilled for me. He said, 'Going on a show, that's your choice. I hope you do well. Best of luck,'" Carly shared.

During another interview with Zachary Reality, Carly disclosed that she had sent an email to the Hollywood icon to inform him about her upcoming appearance on the show. She expressed that Tom was "very happy" for her.

When asked if she thought her performance on the show would embarrass Tom, Carly admitted that she hoped it wouldn't. She stated, "I hope so. I mean, maybe I don't want him to watch it because I don't want to embarrass him for any reason. I hope I don't embarrass him, but I don't think I do."

She further revealed that Tom had inquired about her earnings from the show, to which she confirmed making some money. Carly added, "He was happy that I made a little money."

In a candid conversation about her relationship with Tom, Carly disclosed that they were close, especially during her younger years, and often went on family vacations together. She expressed that despite Tom's busy schedule, he had always been supportive of her acting career.

"He's difficult to reach because of his constant traveling and commitments, but he has always been there for me and my acting journey," Carly shared. "He even visited my acting class once to inspire and motivate us."

Carly also mentioned that Tom had attended several of her theater productions over the years. Although she managed to secure a role in Tom's film, "Larry Crowne," she emphasized that she had to audition like any other actor.

"He's not the type of person to simply hand out roles," Carly explained. "He wants to ensure that I can deliver a performance if he were to offer me a role."

Carly, who served as a flower girl at Tom's wedding to her aunt when she was just four years old, faced elimination from "Claim to Fame" during the season two premiere, a moment that quickly went viral on the internet.

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