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Bob Huggins, discredited basketball coach, issues threats to school following surprising resignation reversal

Disgraced basketball coach Bob Huggins threatens to sue West Virginia.

A legal battle has erupted between former college basketball coach Bob Huggins and West Virginia University over the question of whether Huggins actually resigned from his position amid off-court controversies. Huggins' attorney, David A. Campbell, sent a letter to the university threatening to sue on Huggins' behalf, claiming that he did not formally resign and still intends to work for the program in the upcoming season. Campbell alleged that it was Huggins' wife, June Huggins, who falsely informed the university of his resignation. In response, West Virginia called Huggins' claims "spurious," "meritless," and "frivolous," stating that they will not reinstate him as head coach.

The legal dispute stems from Huggins' arrest for driving under the influence, during which his blood-alcohol content was reportedly more than twice the legal limit. He failed sobriety tests and was found with empty beer containers in his vehicle and trunk. This incident occurred just weeks after Huggins used a homophobic slur on live radio, referring to Xavier basketball fans in a derogatory manner.

Huggins is scheduled for a formal arraignment on August 17 for his DUI charge, during which he may have the opportunity to accept an Accelerated Rehabilitative Disposition. This is not the first time Huggins has faced a DUI charge, as he was also arrested for suspected DUI in 2004.

Despite Huggins' successful coaching career, with the third-most wins in Division I men's basketball history, West Virginia University has firmly denied his request for reinstatement. The university has made it clear that they will not accept Huggins' revocation of his resignation and will vigorously defend against any allegations suggesting otherwise.

In light of the controversies surrounding Huggins, West Virginia University has appointed assistant coach Josh Eilert as their interim head coach, signaling a desire to move forward and distance themselves from the situation.

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