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Vivek Ramaswamy introduces innovative fundraising strategy: Donors earn commissions by recruiting supporters

Vivek Ramaswamy launches commission-based fundraising program called "Vivek Kitchen Cabinet."

Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy has launched a commission-based fundraising program called "Vivek Kitchen Cabinet." This program allows anyone to fundraise for Ramaswamy's campaign and earn a 10% commission. Ramaswamy aims to "democratize the ability to make money" by challenging the traditional system of campaign fundraising, which he sees as controlled by the managerial class. The campaign hopes to receive a thousand applications for the program, with around 300 already submitted within the first few hours of the launch.

Accepted applicants will undergo a background check and become freelance contractors for the campaign, receiving their commission based on the total funds raised. While some have compared the "kitchen cabinet" program to a multi-level marketing scheme, Ramaswamy's campaign CEO, Ben Yoho, defends it as a standard practice. He sees it as an opportunity to expand the grassroots supporters' involvement and compensation.

Campaign finance attorney Joe Birkenstock acknowledges that commission-based fundraising is not entirely new but notes that Ramaswamy's approach involving supporters is unique. Birkenstock believes that while this strategy may be uncharted territory, it could present surprises for the campaign.

Ramaswamy, with an estimated net worth of at least $630 million, has already contributed $15 million to his campaign and has surpassed the 40,000-donor threshold to qualify for the first Republican primary debate stage. However, Yoho explains that the uncertainty surrounding future debate thresholds and expenses prompted the launch of the new program. The campaign aims to build a strong ground team and secure resources to defeat Joe Biden.

It's worth noting that other presidential candidates, such as North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum, are also adopting unusual strategies to increase donations. Burgum offers $20 gift cards to supporters who donate at least $1.

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