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Jax Taylor of 'Vanderpump Rules' Claims to Maintain Top Spot in the Group

Jax Taylor reflects on his time on "Vanderpump Rules" and admits to being a "douchebag."

Jax Taylor, a former cast member of the popular Bravo show "Vanderpump Rules," is reflecting on his time on the series. From 2013 to 2020, Taylor entertained audiences with his appearances on the show until his departure in season 8. Recently, there has been a resurgence of interest in the show on social media, which Taylor finds both great and nostalgic, causing him to reminisce about some of his less-than-stellar moments captured on camera.

In an interview with ET Canada's Brittnee Blair, Taylor expressed his thoughts on the show's newfound popularity among a new generation of viewers. He acknowledged the value of receiving insights and feedback from this fresh audience, but admitted that he personally finds it challenging to watch himself on TV. He shared that he attempted to revisit some old episodes for his podcast "When Reality Hits with Jax and Brittany," co-hosted with his wife Brittany Cartwright, but found it cringeworthy and difficult to watch.

Reflecting on his past behavior, Taylor didn't hold back in criticizing himself. He described himself as cringeworthy, an awful human being, a disaster, and a train wreck. He openly admitted to being a douchebag and an a-hole, epitomizing the stereotypical Hollywood douchebag. Taylor expressed deep regret for his past actions and acknowledged the growth he has undergone since then.

One particular clip that has garnered attention and contributed to the show's resurgence is a viral video featuring a moment between Taylor and fellow cast member Tom Sandoval. In the clip, Taylor playfully corrects Sandoval about who the "number one guy" in the group is. While Taylor acknowledged his admiration for James, another cast member, he firmly asserted his position as the original number one guy in the group. He believed that his journey, from where he started to where he is now, exemplified what it means to be the top guy. Taylor emphasized that his accomplishments and personal growth spoke for themselves.

Shifting to a more serious tone, Taylor expressed pride in the progress he has made since his time on the show. He acknowledged the hard work he has put into becoming a better person and emphasized his satisfaction with his current state. Taylor concluded by saying that he can now smile a little bigger, appreciating the personal growth he has achieved.

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