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RFK Jr. suggests Biden's troop mobilization is readiness for 'potential conflict with Russia'

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. accuses Biden of preparing for war with Russia through troop mobilization in Europe.

In a recent statement, Democratic presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. expressed his belief that President Biden's decision to mobilize troops for Operation Atlantic Resolve is a preparation for a potential ground war with Russia. Kennedy took to Twitter to share his thoughts on Biden's call to summon thousands of military reservists to reinforce U.S. troops in Europe as part of the operation that began in 2014.

Kennedy emphasized the significance of understanding the purpose behind this troop mobilization. According to him, it is a strategic move aimed at getting ready for a potential ground conflict with Russia. President Biden had previously announced the mobilization of reserve troops to ensure the effective execution of Operation Atlantic Resolve within the area of responsibility of the United States European Command.

The president's decision involves summoning 3,000 reserve troops from the Selected and Individual Ready Reserves, with a maximum of 450 from the Individual Ready Reserve. It is important to note that this troop augmentation is taking place while President Biden is attending the NATO conference overseas.

However, Republican lawmakers have criticized Biden's move, labeling it as reckless and dangerous. Texas GOP Senator Ted Cruz expressed his concerns on Twitter, stating that while he wants to see Putin defeated, under no circumstances should U.S. servicemen and women be sent to fight in Ukraine. Cruz also blamed Biden's perceived weakness for starting the conflict and accused him of threatening to engage the U.S. military in a shooting war with Russia.

GOP Utah Senator Mike Lee also voiced his opinion on the president's European mobilization through a Twitter thread. He warned that Biden's actions are daring Russia to shoot first, essentially pushing the United States to the brink of war.

The statements from Kennedy, Cruz, and Lee highlight the deep concerns among Republican lawmakers regarding the potential consequences of Biden's troop mobilization. The fear of escalating tensions with Russia and the risk of a ground war are at the forefront of their criticisms.

It is crucial to closely monitor the developments surrounding Operation Atlantic Resolve and the ongoing tensions between the United States and Russia. The implications of these actions could have far-reaching consequences for international relations and global security.

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