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Shakira faces two additional instances of tax fraud as legal battles persist

Spanish court orders Shakira to stand trial for alleged tax fraud.

In a significant development, a Spanish court has formally ordered international superstar Shakira to stand trial on allegations of failing to pay €14.5 million in income taxes. This legal action adds to her ongoing troubles, as she is also under investigation for two potential instances of tax fraud in 2018. The renowned singer vehemently denies any wrongdoing and maintains that she has always acted in accordance with the law, seeking advice from top tax experts.

Despite these legal challenges, Shakira remains focused on her artistic pursuits in Miami and maintains confidence in a favorable resolution to her tax issues. It is worth noting that the Colombian singer, whose full name is Shakira Isabel Mebarak Ripoll, had the opportunity to settle the case in July but chose to reject the deal. This decision means that she will now face a trial that carries the potential for an eight-year prison sentence.

While a specific trial date has not yet been set, Shakira has been resolute in defending her actions. In an interview with Elle in October 2022, she explained her refusal to accept the settlement offer. The 46-year-old artist emphasized her commitment to fighting for what she believes in and labeled the accusations against her as false. Shakira refuted the claim that she spent 183 days per year in Spain during the relevant period, stating that she was occupied with fulfilling her professional commitments worldwide. Furthermore, she asserted that she had already paid the alleged owed amount even before the lawsuit was filed, leaving her with no outstanding tax liabilities.

The legal proceedings against Shakira serve as a reminder that even global icons are not exempt from scrutiny and legal accountability. While the singer's fans eagerly await the resolution of these tax-related issues, Shakira remains steadfast in her belief in her innocence and the ultimate vindication of her actions. Only time will tell how this high-profile trial will unfold and what implications it may have for the renowned artist's career and personal life.

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