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Cavs Ricky Rubio prioritizes mental health, family gains significance

NBA player Ricky Rubio steps away from basketball to prioritize mental health, missing the 2023 FIBA World Cup.

Cleveland Cavaliers and Spain national team point guard Ricky Rubio has made the brave decision to step away from basketball and prioritize his mental health. The 32-year-old player, known for his flashy style of play, announced this choice in a statement released by the Spanish Basketball Federation. He expressed gratitude for the support he has received from the national team during this challenging time.

Rubio's decision means that he will not be able to participate in the upcoming 2023 FIBA World Cup, where he was expected to represent defending champion Spain. He left the team's training camp in Madrid earlier in the week to focus on his mental well-being.

In his statement, Rubio shared, "I have decided to pause my professional career in order to take care of my mental health. I want to thank the [Spanish national] team for understanding my decision and for the support they have shown me. Family means more to me now than ever before. Thank you. I kindly request that my privacy be respected so that I can navigate through these moments and share more information when the time is right."

Koby Altman, the president of basketball operations for the Cavaliers, acknowledged the difficulty of Rubio's choice and pledged to provide the player with the necessary support while respecting his privacy. Altman stated, "Today, Ricky and his representation informed us that he has chosen to step away from his illustrious basketball career to focus on his mental health. We recognize the weight of this decision and will do our best to offer support while honoring Ricky's request for privacy."

Rubio's basketball journey began at a young age, and he quickly became a well-known figure in Spain, even at the age of 15. He was selected as the No. 5 overall pick in the 2009 NBA draft by the Timberwolves and has played for various teams throughout his career, including the Minnesota Timberwolves, Utah Jazz, Phoenix Suns, and Cleveland Cavaliers.

In July 2022, Rubio signed a three-year contract worth USD 18.44 million with the Cavaliers. Unfortunately, his first season back with the team was marred by a torn ACL, which limited his playing time to just 33 games.

It is important to recognize and support athletes like Ricky Rubio who prioritize their mental health. By taking this step, Rubio is setting an example for others and emphasizing the significance of mental well-being in all aspects of life. We wish him strength and healing during this time.

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