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'Bachelorette' Finale Delivers Epic Proposal, Garnering Best Ratings in Series History

"The Bachelorette" season 20 finale ends with Charity Lawson engaged to Dotun Olubeko, rejecting Joey Graziadei's proposal.

Season 20 of The Bachelorette has come to a close, and it's official – Charity Lawson, the 27-year-old therapist from Columbus, Georgia, is engaged to her one true love. The season finale was filled with emotional moments and tough decisions for Lawson.

At the start of the finale, Lawson had already professed her love for two different men – Dotun Olubeko and Joey Graziadei. But before she could start her happily-ever-after with one of them, she had to break the heart of the other. And before that, she had to send one boomerang-contestant, Aaron Bryant, back home.

During the penultimate episode, Bryant, who had been eliminated in Week 6, flew to Fiji in hopes of getting another chance with Lawson. She briefly entertained the idea but ultimately decided that she didn't see a future with him. In the first rose ceremony of the night, she gave Graziadei her first rose and Olubeko her second, while sending Bryant home.

Next, it was time for the final two men to meet Lawson's family. She warned her parents that she was torn between the two men and didn't know who to choose. After witnessing both men express their love and devotion to their daughter, Lawson's parents were just as unsure as she was. Despite her frustration, her mother refused to reveal any hints or opinions.

As Lawson went on her final dates with Graziadei and Olubeko, she couldn't shake her fondness for both men. Her date with Graziadei was filled with declarations of love, and she confidently told him that she had no doubts. Similarly, her date with Olubeko went well, but she couldn't help but mention her feelings for Graziadei during their time together.

The morning of the final rose ceremony, Lawson woke up with clarity. She knew exactly who she wanted to be with, and viewers witnessed her reject Graziadei. Dressed in a wedding-worthy gown, Lawson met Olubeko at the same picturesque spot and prepared to make her decision.

Graziadei poured his heart out to Lawson, expressing how much he wanted to be a part of her story. However, before he could propose, Lawson shocked him by revealing that she had found a deeper love with someone else. Tears streamed down her face as she ended their relationship, and Graziadei comforted her before leaving.

On the other hand, Olubeko's words had a different effect on Lawson. He reminded her of their journey together and how she had made him feel special and loved. In what is being hailed as the best proposal in Bachelorette history, Olubeko asked Lawson to marry him. Overwhelmed with joy, she responded with a resounding "yes" – a million times over.

And so, Season 20 of The Bachelorette concluded with Charity Lawson finding her one true love in Dotun Olubeko. Their journey was filled with ups and downs, but in the end, they found a love that they both believed in. Now, they look forward to a future together, ready to face whatever comes their way.

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