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Gordon Monson: Is Kyle Whittingham's statement a disrespect or truth about BYU fans in college football?

BYU fans are upset with Utah football coach Kyle Whittingham for his comments about the Utah-BYU rivalry game.

In a recent interview, Utah football coach Kyle Whittingham made comments that have left some BYU fans feeling more than just a little upset. The fans are accusing Whittingham of arrogance, perceiving his words as a sign that Utah believes it is superior to BYU. However, a closer look at Whittingham's actual statements reveals that he did not indicate any such thing. He merely expressed the reality that the landscape of college football is constantly changing, and it is possible that the Utah-BYU rivalry game may not have long-term permanence. Whittingham has been discussing the potential for super-conferences in college football for years, so his remarks are nothing new. It is important to note that Whittingham did acknowledge the significance of the rivalry game and expressed that it is good for the state of Utah and enjoyable for the fans. While some may interpret his words as offensive, it is possible that Whittingham's intention was simply to highlight the uncertainty and upheaval surrounding college football. As someone who has experienced the rivalry game firsthand, Whittingham may not personally revel in the hype surrounding it but recognizes its importance. Whether offense was given or taken, the passion and intensity surrounding the rivalry game can add excitement and energy to the event. So, perhaps, a little spice and fire in the form of differing opinions can enhance the overall experience.

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