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Chuck Todd asks Bernie Sanders for advice on President Biden's age: Age is an issue

Sen. Bernie Sanders dismisses concerns over President Biden's age, stating that there are "broader" issues to consider when voting for a president.

In a recent appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press," Senator Bernie Sanders expressed his belief that there are more important issues to consider than President Biden's age when it comes to the 2024 election. While acknowledging that age can be a factor for voters, Sanders emphasized the need to evaluate a candidate based on their values and policies.

When asked by host Chuck Todd about how Biden can address concerns about his age, Sanders highlighted the importance of looking at the bigger picture. He shared his own positive experience meeting with the president and emphasized the need to consider a candidate's stance on issues like women's rights, climate change, minimum wage, and pharmaceutical industry reform.

At 80 years old, President Biden is currently the oldest sitting president. If he were to serve a second term, he would be 86 years old. A recent poll from Quinnipiac University showed that 65% of registered voters believed Biden would be too old for another four years as president, including 69% of independent voters.

While progressive lawmakers like Sanders have defended Biden against age-related criticisms, mainstream media outlets and personalities, including Chuck Todd, have acknowledged the concerns surrounding Biden's age. Todd himself has expressed understanding for the cynicism, noting that the Democratic Party's leadership structure consists of individuals over the age of 70.

It is important to consider a candidate's age in the context of their ability to effectively serve as president. However, as Sanders suggests, voters should also prioritize evaluating a candidate's values, policies, and ability to address pressing issues such as women's rights, climate change, and economic reform. Age should not be the sole determining factor in choosing a leader.

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