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2020 United States presidential election News & Breaking Stories

What news can we find under 2020 United States presidential election News Section?

2020 United States Presidential Election: An Unforgettable Chapter in History

Picture this, a Hollywood movie plot where international health crisis unfolds against the backdrop of tumultuous presidential elections - that's precisely how "2020" sprinted across the globe. The year etched history not just with the pandemic but also with one of the most pivotal and controversial United States Presidential Elections.

The stage was set for a face-off between two experienced people in politics, President Donald Trump returning to seek another term, and former Vice President Joe Biden running on behalf of Democratic party. They were at loggerheads vying for White House amidst an atmosphere thick with partisan acrimony.

Aren't you wondering what made it so unique? To begin with, mail-in ballots took center-stage due to COVID-19 precautions resulting in record-breaking voter turnout. Then unfolded accusations by Trump's camp about widespread voter fraud! The democracy had come under scrutiny around the world.

How could we forget those heated debates and mud-slinging campaigns? Each statement making news headlines even beyond America!They may have been scrapping words initially,but ultimately it narrowed down to policies - climate change, racial inequality,GDP growth rate....Whooaa!!! Those final days before November 3rd escalated higher than anyone could expect!

< p>But wasn't it worth all those rollercoaster events when on December 14th,Biden was officially declared as winner by Electoral college, marking end to countless lawsuits filed by Trump's camp trying to overturn election results?

This compelling story only gets more interesting from here as we delve into every nook and cranny later.But wouldn't you agree,this surely is going down into textbooks because simply put....."this is what history is made up of!".

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