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Hurricane Idalia Impact: Key Facts About Keaton Beach, Florida

Hurricane Idalia made landfall in Keaton Beach, Florida. Keaton Beach is an outdoor-oriented community with a population of 13,032 people.

Keaton Beach, located in Taylor County, Florida, is a picturesque coastal town that sits at the intersection of Florida's Gulf Coast, where it transitions from an east-west to a north-south direction. Situated approximately 95 miles west-northwest of Gainesville and 75 miles south-southeast of Tallahassee, Keaton Beach offers a tranquil and idyllic setting for residents and visitors alike.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau's 2021 American Community Survey, Keaton Beach is home to a population of 13,032 individuals. Among them, 18.13% possess at least a college certificate, while 6.2% hold a bachelor's degree. The median age of the community is 41.6 years old, reflecting a diverse range of age groups.

In terms of the economic landscape, the survey reveals that the median income in Keaton Beach is $44,735 per year. Additionally, the median housing costs amount to $618. With a total of 5,362 housing units in the area, nearly half of them (47.9%) have been constructed since 1990, indicating a relatively recent development pattern.

Keaton Beach embodies the quintessential Florida beach community, offering a plethora of outdoor activities for residents and visitors to enjoy. Fishing, beachgoing, and watercraft usage are among the favored pastimes in this coastal haven. The natural beauty of the area, combined with its proximity to the Gulf of Mexico, makes it an ideal destination for those seeking a serene and adventurous lifestyle.

The origin of the name "Keaton" can be traced back to the brothers Abb and Sam Keaton, who were the original owners of the land. Local historians suggest that the Keaton family initially owned cotton farms in the region. However, as mullet fishing began to flourish, it gradually became a thriving industry in Taylor County. Captain W. Alston "Cap'n" Brown, the owner of the turpentine works at Blue Springs Creek, played a significant role in the commercialization of Keaton Beach in the early 1920s. The Keaton Brothers collaborated with Brown, and in honor of their partnership, he named the beach after them.

In conclusion, Keaton Beach is a charming coastal community nestled along Florida's Gulf Coast. With its rich history, vibrant outdoor lifestyle, and stunning natural surroundings, it offers a unique and inviting experience for residents and visitors alike. Whether you're seeking a peaceful retreat or an adventurous getaway, Keaton Beach is sure to captivate you with its beauty and charm.

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