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Tallahassee, Florida News & Breaking Stories

Hurricane Lee path, tracker:
  • 8th Sep 2023

Hurricane Lee path, tracker: "extremely dangerous" storm predicted

Tropical Storm Lee has intensified into a hurricane and is expected to become "extremely dangerous" by the weekend, possibly reaching Category 4 status. Experts warn of life-threatening weather conditions and urge residents in the projected path to monitor the storm closely. The hurricane is forecast to generate hazardous waves and currents along the East Coast of the United States. It is also expected to bring tropical storm-force winds to Puerto Rico, the Dominican Republic, Haiti, and the Leeward Islands.

What news can we find under Tallahassee, Florida News Section?

Ever wondered what the buzz in Tallahassee, Florida is all about? The beautiful Sunshine State's capital has a lot to offer from politics and education to food culture and festivals.

The first thing that comes to mind with Tallahassee is politics. Being Florida's seat of power, you'll find informative coverage on legislative sessions, policy reforms, political trends - essentially everything that shapes the state’s future. I mean who wouldn't want a sneak peek into such decision-making corridors?

Moving forward from politics though (a little breather perhaps?), we can dive into education news. Home to renowned institutions like Florida State University and Florida A&M University, there’s always scoop around campus breakthroughs or exciting athletic events. Do we sense some college sports fans out there?

"But wait", you might say. "Isn’t life more than just work and studies?" Absolutely! That brings us to cultural updates including local cuisines, art showcases, music festivals – pretty much anything under the Floridian sun soaking up the diverse regional flavors.


Tallahassee boasts of vibrant festival scenes throughout the year too. From Springtime Tallahassee celebrating their history & culture to Winter Festival lighting up December nights - reading about these surely makes your day brighter doesn't it? Thought so!

Safety Updates

Last but not least are safety updates especially amid current times where public health is paramount priority . From hurricane warnings (guys remember Hurricane Michael?) through roadblocks upto Covid-19 metrics , being informed was never this important ! Isn’t staying updated half battle won already ? Cheers !!

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