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Arsenal Legend Regrets Wales Team-mate's Deadline-Day Switch to Spurs

Aaron Ramsey jokes about Brennan Johnson's move to Tottenham, saying he wishes it weren't to his old rival team.

Aaron Ramsey has jokingly expressed his dissatisfaction with Brennan Johnson's £47.5 million move to Tottenham Hotspur on deadline day. Ramsey, who spent 11 years at Arsenal, including scoring two FA Cup final-winning goals, reignited his rivalry with Spurs after Johnson's transfer from Nottingham Forest. Despite the banter, Ramsey believes that Johnson, who he will be playing alongside for Wales, has the potential to reach new heights under new Spurs boss Ange Postecoglou. Ramsey also discussed his own move back to Cardiff City, stating that being closer to his family has rejuvenated him on the pitch. He expressed his support for Wales boss Robert Page, despite the team's recent struggles, and welcomed the addition of Jack Lester as the new assistant manager.

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