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Chandler Jones not interested in playing for Raiders coach and GM, deletes post - Seymour Tribune

Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Chandler Jones expresses desire to no longer play for coach and general manager.

In an unexpected turn of events, Las Vegas Raiders defensive end Chandler Jones took to social media to express his discontent with coach Josh McDaniels and general manager Dave Ziegler. The since-deleted posts hinted at Jones' desire to no longer play for the Raiders. Jones' agent, Ethan Lock, declined to comment on the matter, and attempts to reach the Raiders for a statement were unsuccessful.

As the Raiders gear up for their season opener against the Denver Broncos, the timing of Jones' comments raises eyebrows. Jones, a top athlete with an impressive record of 112 sacks in the NFL, expressed frustration at having to resort to working out at a local gym during the season without any apparent reason. He directly addressed McDaniels, urging him to do what's right.

It remains unclear which specific timeframe Jones was referring to in his posts. While he did miss some recent practices due to an unspecified injury, he did return to the team last week. Nevertheless, he made it clear that he did not want to play for the Raiders as long as McDaniels and Ziegler remained in control. Instead, he expressed a preference for defensive coordinator Patrick Graham to take over as the coach.

Interestingly, Jones' recent posts contrasted starkly with his optimistic tone on X (formerly Twitter) just a day prior. On Monday, he expressed excitement about the upcoming season and stated that he felt great during practice. This sudden shift in attitude has left fans and analysts puzzled.

This incident is not the first time a star player on the Raiders roster has expressed dissatisfaction with the team's management. Wide receiver Davante Adams voiced his concerns in an interview with The Ringer back in April, stating that he and the management did not see eye to eye on what they believed was best for the team. However, in a news conference in May, Adams appeared to have reconciled with the Raiders, emphasizing his commitment to the team and expressing his love for the head coach and general manager.

As the Raiders prepare for their season opener, the tension surrounding Jones' comments adds an extra layer of intrigue. Will the team be able to resolve these issues and maintain a cohesive unit on the field? Only time will tell.

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Comments on Chandler Jones not interested in playing for Raiders coach and GM, deletes post - Seymour Tribune