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Proud Boys Leader Enrique Tarrio Sentenced to 22 Years in Capitol Riots Case

Former Proud Boys leader sentenced to 22 years for role in US Capitol attack. Justice Department cracking down on January 6 rioters.

Former leader of the Proud Boys, Enrique Tarrio, has been handed a significant sentence of 22 years in prison for his involvement in the attack on the US Capitol on January 6, 2021. Tarrio was found guilty of seditious conspiracy, as he played a key role in planning the riot with the intention of obstructing the certification of President Joe Biden's victory over then-President Donald Trump, despite Trump's baseless claims of election fraud.

Although Tarrio was not physically present in Washington on the day of the attack, he had been in constant communication with the Proud Boys and closely monitored their actions. Prosecutors labeled him as the "ultimate leader" of the organization and asserted that he had actively directed the assault from Baltimore.

Tarrio's defense team argued that his absence from the scene meant he had no direct influence over the riot. However, Judge Timothy Kelly dismissed this claim, emphasizing Tarrio's central role in planning the attack and his direct participation in its execution.

During the court proceedings, Tarrio expressed remorse for his actions, expressing deep shame and disappointment over the violence that unfolded on January 6. He also revealed that he had been influenced by Trump's rhetoric and admitted to no longer believing in the former president's false claims about the election.

This sentencing sets a precedent in the case, as it represents the longest prison term handed down thus far. It serves as a clear indication that the Justice Department is taking the January 6 attack with utmost seriousness. Over 1,100 individuals have been arrested in connection with the riot, and at least 630 have already pleaded guilty.

The investigation into the events of January 6 is ongoing, and it remains possible that Tarrio will not be the last person to receive a lengthy prison sentence for their involvement in the assault on the US Capitol.

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