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Kamala Harris College Tour: Energizing Young Voters for Biden

Kamala Harris is going on tour again, this time embarking on a 14-date college tour aimed at reaching young voters and talking up Democratic positions on abortion, gun control, LGBT rights, and climate change.

Kamala Harris is hitting the road once again, this time embarking on a college tour aimed at engaging young voters and promoting Democratic positions on key issues such as abortion, gun control, LGBT rights, and climate change. The vice president believes that this generation holds the key to addressing urgent issues that will shape our future. In a statement, Harris emphasized the importance of young leaders who are organizing in their communities to bring about real solutions. She wants students to know that they are valued, needed, and have the power to make a difference.

The college tour, called the Fight for Our Freedoms College Tour, will focus on a range of issues including reproductive freedom, gun safety, climate action, voting rights, LGBT equality, and book bans. This is not the first time Harris has taken to the road. She recently completed a 17-state tour called the Summer of Action, and last fall she made a series of stops focused on abortion-related issues. Like her previous tours, this one will target young voters, as well as black and Hispanic voters, and those without a four-year degree through a community college visit.

Democratic strategist Brad Bannon explains that Harris is fulfilling the traditional role of vice presidents by rallying the party's political base. Democrats' base consists of young voters, African Americans, Hispanics, and young women. Meanwhile, President Biden is expected to focus more on courting swing voters. Harris has previously taken the lead on abortion messaging after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, and her efforts paid off in the midterm elections. Democrats are planning to continue their offensive on the issue in 2024, with "reproductive freedom" being listed as the first topic on Harris's college tour.

Despite targeting her party's base, Harris still faces challenges. A recent poll showed that her approval rating is low, with only 36% of respondents approving of her and 55% disapproving. Among young voters aged 18 to 29, the approval rate is also 36%, but with a higher percentage of respondents having no opinion of her either way. Some GOP presidential candidates, such as Nikki Haley, have made Harris's unpopularity a campaign issue. Haley has criticized Harris's competence and has taken a more moderate stance on abortion to appeal to swing voters. Harris will likely counter these attacks and work to portray Republicans as holding extreme views during her college tour.

So far, Harris's office has announced six stops at colleges in competitive states such as Virginia, North Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin, and Nevada. The first three stops will be at historically black colleges and universities, followed by a state flagship, a community college, and a traditional four-year university. More stops are expected to be announced in the future. Harris hopes that her college tour will energize young voters and get them excited about the Biden administration's agenda.

In conclusion, Kamala Harris is taking her message directly to college campuses in an effort to engage young voters and promote Democratic positions on important issues. She believes that this generation holds the key to solving urgent problems and wants them to know that their voices matter. Despite facing challenges and criticism, Harris is determined to rally her party's base and counter attacks from GOP candidates. By embarking on this college tour, she hopes to inspire young voters and get them excited about the Biden administration's plans for the future.

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