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"Celebrate Mexican Independence Day throughout the weekend, forget Cinco de Mayo!"

Celebrate Mexico's Independence Day in San Diego with the traditional El Grito ceremony, featuring live performances and family activities.

Get ready to celebrate the 213th anniversary of Mexico's Independence Day in San Diego County! The festivities kick off on Friday, and it's going to be a grand celebration that you won't want to miss.

The highlight of the event is the traditional ceremony of El Grito, which is a reenactment of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla's historic proclamation that marked the beginning of the independence movement in 1810. This powerful moment is celebrated by Mexicans all around the world on the night of September 15. Mexico's Independence Day is officially observed on September 16.

The Consul General of Mexico in San Diego, Carlos González Gutiérrez, will be leading the El Grito ceremony once again. You can catch this momentous occasion from the balcony of the Mexican Consulate in Little Italy, located at 1549 India Street. The event will take place from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m., with the ceremony scheduled for 8 p.m.

According to González Gutiérrez, celebrating the Grito de Independencia in San Diego is not just about honoring our culture and identity, but also about embracing the shared culture between Mexico and the residents of San Diego. He emphasizes that there are countless friends of Mexico in San Diego, even among those who are not of Mexican origin, making this celebration an incredible opportunity for everyone.

The consul general expects a massive turnout for the event, with the number of attendees increasing each year. Last year, over 5,000 people joined in the festivities, and this year promises to be even bigger. It's going to be a full house and a full street as San Diegans come together to commemorate this historic moment.

This will be González Gutiérrez's final time leading the ceremony from San Diego, as he awaits ratification by the Mexican Senate to become the head of the Mexican consulate in Los Angeles. During his first year in San Diego in 2019, the Grito ceremony returned to the Mexican consulate's balcony after being held in other venues for the past two decades.

The event is completely free and will feature captivating live performances by Banda Reyna de San Diego, Ballet Folklórico Caliztlan, Mariachi Atulense de San Diego, LM Show (a tribute to El Sol de Mexico), and Isabella and Catalina from Tengo Talento Mucho Talento. Additionally, there will be food vendors and engaging activities for the whole family to enjoy.

If you're unable to attend the celebration in Little Italy, there are other places around the county where you can join in the Independence Day festivities. Make sure to mark your calendars and be a part of this joyous occasion that honors the rich history and culture of Mexico. It's going to be an unforgettable experience!

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