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"Nikki Haley tells Vivek Ramaswamy: 'Every time I hear you, I feel a little bit dumber'"

Former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley criticizes Vivek Ramaswamy for changing his mind about TikTok, calling it dangerous.

In a heated exchange, former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley expressed her frustration with Vivek Ramaswamy's change of heart regarding TikTok. Ramaswamy, who once referred to the platform as 'digital fentanyl,' found himself at odds with Haley's stance on the social media app.

Haley passionately argued that TikTok is one of the most dangerous platforms available, emphasizing the potential risks it poses to its 150 million users. She highlighted concerns about privacy breaches, such as unauthorized access to personal contacts, financial information, and text messages.

Furthermore, Haley criticized Ramaswamy for his involvement in business ventures with China, accusing him of prioritizing Chinese interests over American ones. She specifically mentioned his alleged ties to a Chinese company that reportedly gave Hunter Biden $5 million, casting doubt on Ramaswamy's credibility and trustworthiness.

Interestingly, users on X, a popular online platform, quickly pointed out Haley's previous endorsement of Ramaswamy's work. Carlos Lozada, a columnist for The New York Times, highlighted a glowing blurb written by Haley for Ramaswamy's latest book, titled "Woke, Inc." In her endorsement, Haley praised Ramaswamy's honesty, intellect, and foresight, commending his efforts to unite Americans rather than divide them through woke identity politics.

The irony of Haley's previous support for Ramaswamy did not go unnoticed by online observers. One user, @PeterDombrowsk6, humorously suggested that it would be entertaining to witness Ramaswamy reading Haley's endorsement back to her during their debates.

This exchange between Haley and Ramaswamy sheds light on the complexities and contradictions of political discourse. It serves as a reminder that individuals can hold differing opinions over time and that public figures may face scrutiny for their past statements.

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