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Tim Scott Criticizes Nikki Haley for Costly Curtains: Unveiling the Full Story

Former UN ambassador Nikki Haley and Senator Tim Scott engaged in a heated argument over expensive curtains during a Republican presidential debate.

During a heated debate among Republican presidential candidates, a frivolous argument erupted between former UN ambassador Nikki Haley and South Carolina senator Tim Scott over expensive curtains. The dispute arose when Mr. Scott accused Ms. Haley of being someone who never dislikes a federal dollar, to which she responded with a coy smile, inviting him to bring it on.

Mr. Scott pointed out that as the UN ambassador, Ms. Haley spent $50,000 on curtains in a $15 million subsidized apartment. This reference was based on a 2018 New York Times article that revealed the exorbitant cost of custom curtains installed in Ms. Haley's UN ambassador residence, amounting to $52,701. This accusation seemed shocking and painted Ms. Haley, the former governor of South Carolina, as a hypocrite, especially since she had just criticized federal employees for overspending.

However, Mr. Scott's accusation was not entirely accurate, as Ms. Haley pointed out. While the curtains were indeed expensive, she was not the one who approved the decision. The curtains had been selected and purchased during the Obama administration before Ms. Haley assumed her position as ambassador. The New York Times even issued a correction, acknowledging their mistake in misleading readers to believe that Ms. Haley was responsible for the transaction.

Despite this clarification, Mr. Scott seemed determined to blame Ms. Haley for the lavish curtains. It is worth noting that Ms. Haley had appointed Mr. Scott to his senate seat in 2017, adding an interesting dynamic to their exchange. Mr. Scott urged viewers to watch Nikki Haley on YouTube and insisted that she should have sent the curtains back.

Growing increasingly frustrated, Ms. Haley reminded Mr. Scott that he was the one working in Congress and should take responsibility for rectifying the situation. She emphasized that the curtains were already in place when she assumed her role as UN ambassador, despite the New York Times article suggesting otherwise.

The argument continued for approximately a minute and 15 seconds before the moderators intervened to redirect the conversation.

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