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Assassin's Creed Mirage The Calling: Discovering the Hidden Place North of Aqarquf Dunes | Attack of the Fanboy

Learn how to find Nehal's hidden place in Assassin's Creed Mirage by starting your hunt at the Aqarquf Dunes.

In Assassin's Creed Mirage, one of the initial side quests you'll come across is Nehal's Calling. This quest requires you to locate a hidden place north of the Aqarquf Dunes in order to uncover more information about the symbol discovered by Basim and Nehal at the Winter Palace during the game's prologue. The quest provides a clue, mentioning that the hidden place is near an oasis. However, you must begin your search at a location you may not have previously visited: the Aqarquf Dunes. So, where exactly can you find the Aqarquf Dunes in Assassin's Creed Mirage, and how can you locate Nehal's hidden place?

The Aqarquf Dunes are situated between Anbarr and Baghdad in the northern part of the Wilderness region. To reach this location swiftly, set your marker to the eagle icon between the two cities, which represents the synchronization point atop the dunes. By doing so, you will be directed straight to the Aqarquf Dunes. For visual reference, consult the map below to pinpoint the exact location of the dunes.

The quickest route to reach the Aqarquf Dunes is from Anbar. Mount a camel and venture into the desert until you arrive at your destination. It is essential to ascend the structure at the dunes and unlock the synchronization point. This will allow you to fast travel to and from this location whenever necessary. Additionally, if you dive into the nearby pool and explore the underground cave, you will discover a treasure chest hidden beneath the structure.

Once you have reached the Aqarquf Dunes, follow the quest's instructions and head north. Your objective is to find an oasis, and fortunately, there is a small pond visible on the world map just north of the Aqarquf Dunes. This particular pond is the oasis you are seeking.

Upon reaching the Northern Oasis, utilize Enkidu to identify a secret entrance beneath the water's surface. Dive into the pond, and you will uncover a hidden passage leading to a secret room. At this point in the quest, you will encounter a hurdle, as you need to acquire 10 Shard collectibles in order to proceed.

Completing this quest may require a significant amount of time, as collecting all 10 Shards is a lengthy process. However, if you manage to gather all of them, you will be rewarded with a unique Isu gear set, including a sword, dagger, and outfit.

Fortunately, you do not need to gather all 10 Shards at once. If you return to the secret room with 3 or more Shards, you can unlock a piece of the gear set. Remember to utilize the synchronization point near the Northern Oasis, enabling you to fast travel back to this location whenever necessary.

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