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Rashid Khan to donate World Cup 2023 match fees to Afghanistan earthquake victims

Afghan cricketer Rashid Khan pledges to donate his entire match fees from the ODI World Cup to earthquake victims in Afghanistan.

In a heartfelt social media post, Rashid Khan, the renowned leg-spinner from Afghanistan, expressed his unwavering support for his fellow countrymen who suffered from a devastating earthquake on October 8. The earthquake, measuring 6.3 on the Richter scale, struck the western province of Herat, 40 kilometers west of Herat city. The impact of this catastrophic event has been immense, with over 2,000 reported fatalities and more than 1,000 individuals left injured.

Despite being in India for the ODI World Cup, Rashid Khan took to his 'X' and Instagram accounts to announce his decision to donate his entire match fees from the tournament to aid the victims of the earthquake in Afghanistan. Additionally, he revealed his plans to initiate a fundraising campaign to further assist those affected by this tragedy.

Expressing his sorrow, Rashid Khan stated, "I learned with great sadness about the tragic consequences of the earthquake that struck the western provinces (Herat, Farah, and Badghis) of Afghanistan. I am donating all of my #CWC23 match fees to help the affected people. Soon, we will be launching a fundraising campaign to call upon those who can support the people in need." This compassionate gesture showcases Rashid's dedication to his homeland and his desire to make a positive impact during this difficult time.

On October 11, Afghanistan will face India at the Arun Jaitley Stadium in Delhi, marking a crucial match in the ODI World Cup 2023. Following a disappointing loss to Bangladesh in their opening match, Afghanistan will strive to make a strong comeback. However, defeating a formidable team like India will undoubtedly be a challenging endeavor. Rashid Khan, who has faced some struggles in recent times, will be hoping to regain his form and lead his team to victory.

With his pledge to support the earthquake victims and his determination to excel on the cricket field, Rashid Khan exemplifies resilience and compassion. His actions serve as an inspiration to not only his teammates but also cricket enthusiasts worldwide. As Afghanistan battles on multiple fronts, both on and off the field, Rashid's commitment to his countrymen demonstrates the power of unity and the strength that can arise from a collective effort.

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