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Calls for Palestinians to leave for Sinai will not lead to peace

Russian President Vladimir Putin rejects calls for Palestinians to leave for Sinai, stating it will not lead to peace.

In a recent statement, Russian President Vladimir Putin expressed his belief that calls for Palestinians to leave for Sinai are not conducive to peace. He emphasized that the Gaza strip is an integral part of the historical land of Palestine and that it was intended to be included in an independent Palestinian state. Putin's remarks highlight the complexity of the situation and the need for a comprehensive approach to achieving peace.

Responding to these claims, Israeli ambassador to Egypt, Amira Oron, clarified that Israel has no intentions regarding Sinai and has not made any requests for Palestinians to relocate there. Oron emphasized Israel's commitment to the peace treaty with Egypt, which clearly defines the borders between the two countries. She also highlighted the role of the Egyptian army in combating terrorism in Sinai over the past decade.

The ongoing conflict has taken a heavy toll on both sides. The Palestinian Ministry of Health reported 1,055 deaths and 5,184 injuries, with 23 deaths and 130 injuries occurring in the West Bank. The Israeli Ministry of Health stated that 3,007 people were injured, including 373 in critical condition, and 1,000 were killed. Additionally, between 100 and 150 individuals are believed to be held hostage by Hamas.

The situation escalated when Hamas' Qassam Brigades launched an offensive on Israeli settlements in the occupied lands. They fired 5,000 missiles in just 20 minutes, prompting airstrikes on the Gaza Strip and resulting in numerous casualties on both sides. The confrontations have persisted, with no signs of a resolution.

This ongoing conflict underscores the need for a comprehensive and sustainable solution that addresses the underlying issues and aspirations of both the Palestinian and Israeli people. It is crucial for all parties involved to engage in meaningful dialogue and work towards a peaceful resolution that respects the rights and aspirations of both Palestinians and Israelis. The international community must also play a proactive role in facilitating negotiations and supporting efforts towards lasting peace in the region.

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