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Kayla Nicole addresses backlash and embarrassment in open letter

Nicole opens up about the backlash she received after her ex, Patrick Mahomes, was rumored to be dating Taylor Swift.

Nicole, a 31-year-old woman, emphasized the importance of using her platform to unite and uplift women, particularly Black women. She acknowledged that there may be criticism and division when it comes to falling in love, and that those closest to you may not always protect you if they don't value you. People may label you as too much, too provocative, or too outspoken, while simultaneously claiming you're not enough in various aspects of your life.

The controversy surrounding Nicole arose from her ex-partner, who is a player for the Kansas City Chiefs, being romantically linked to Taylor Swift. The public response to Nicole moving on from their relationship has been passive-aggressive, with negative comments directed towards her. Nicole addressed these comments, highlighting that some individuals believe she deserves backlash and embarrassment solely because of her Blackness. She encouraged viewers to recognize their worth extends beyond material possessions and not to engage in this one-sided journey of judgment.

Nicole advised others to protect their hearts and not allow others to define their character or test their boundaries. She emphasized the power of silence, stating that one does not have to respond to every criticism or provocation. This message extends beyond her personal experience; she wants to ensure that other Black girls facing similar situations know they are not alone. Nicole believes that her truth, trauma, and vulnerability are relatable aspects of the human experience.

It's important to note that Nicole is not the only ex-partner who has faced backlash from Taylor Swift's fans. Maya Benberry, who dated Nicole's ex-partner after winning a dating reality show competition, revealed that she has received death threats from Swift's fans. Maya expressed her surprise at the aggressive and negative behavior of these fans, considering Taylor Swift's public image as positive and kind. She found it disheartening that such a well-known figure would have such an angry and hypocritical fan base.

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