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Two US Hostages Released By Hamas Amid Conflict, IDF Confirms

Two US hostages have been released by Hamas terrorists amid the Israel-Hamas conflict, according to the IDF.

In the midst of the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas, the Israel Defence Forces (IDF) have confirmed the release of two US citizens who were held hostage by Hamas. The IDF has expressed strong criticism towards Hamas for still holding approximately 200 other hostages, including babies, children, women, and the elderly. The two Americans who were released have been identified as Judith Tai Raanan and her 17-year-old daughter, Natali Raanan, both from Chicago.

According to CNN, the mother and daughter had been visiting relatives in Nahal Oz, a farming community in southern Israel, when they were taken hostage. They were released on "humanitarian grounds" due to the mother's poor health. The release was a result of negotiations involving Qatar and Hamas, and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken expressed gratitude to the Qatari government for their assistance.

The White House also issued a statement confirming the release of the American hostages and expressing support for their recovery and privacy. The US government has been working tirelessly to free American citizens held hostage by Hamas since the beginning of the attack. President Joe Biden has made it clear that the safety of Americans held hostage is a top priority.

After their release, the hostages were handed over to the Red Cross and sent back to be reunited with their family. However, the IDF spokesperson emphasized that there are still efforts being made to return the remaining hostages to Israel. The IDF is preparing for the next stages of the conflict, which may include a major ground offensive and is expected to last for several more weeks.

In conclusion, while the release of the two US hostages is a positive development, there is still much work to be done to ensure the safe return of all hostages and to bring an end to the ongoing conflict between Israel and Hamas. The international community, including the United States, is committed to supporting the victims and their families and working towards a peaceful resolution.

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