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Teri Copley Denies Cheating on John Stamos with Tony Danza: We Had Broken Up

Teri Copley responds to ex-boyfriend John Stamos' cheating scandal claims, stating that their relationship was already over.

In his memoir, "If You Would Have Told Me," John Stamos recounts a distressing incident where he walked in on his ex-girlfriend, Teri Copley, in bed with Tony Danza. Stamos, known for his role in Full House, describes feeling shocked and heartbroken by the betrayal. However, Copley has now spoken out, claiming that their relationship had already ended before the incident occurred.

Copley, now 62, recalls the moment Stamos discovered them together, stating that she was confused as to why he was even there since they had already broken up. She explains that Stamos simply looked at her, shook his head, and walked away without saying a word.

Representatives for Copley have not yet responded to requests for comment.

Stamos's memoir delves into the early stages of their relationship, where he admits to being completely infatuated with Copley. He envisioned a future with her but noticed a change as their busy schedules kept them apart. Stamos describes how their frequent phone calls turned into unanswered calls and silence, leaving him increasingly concerned.

Driven by his worries, Stamos decided to visit Copley at her home in the valley. To his surprise, he found an unfamiliar car parked in her driveway. Curiosity led him to the guest house, where he stumbled upon a scene that he describes as his "worst nightmare."

Peeking through the slightly open door, Stamos saw four feet sticking out from beneath a floral-print duvet. He recognized Copley's unmistakable figure, barely covered by the sheets, lying next to an unidentified man. Stamos's tears of anger streamed down his face, but he chose not to confront them in that moment. He realized it was not the time or place to salvage his wounded ego.

This revelation has brought attention to the tumultuous end of Stamos and Copley's relationship. While Stamos's memoir portrays a devastating betrayal, Copley insists that their relationship had already come to an end before the incident occurred. The conflicting accounts leave readers questioning the true nature of their breakup and the events that led to Stamos's heartbreak.

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