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Flavor Flav to Perform National Anthem Again

Flavor Flav's polarizing rendition of the national anthem at a Milwaukee Bucks game has gone viral, adding to his storied career.

Flavor Flav's rendition of "The Star-Spangled Banner" on Sunday night in Milwaukee left people with mixed opinions. The Bucks described it as "flavorful," while The Breakfast Club called it "foolishness." However, one thing is certain - it was a performance that won't be forgotten.

Flavor Flav, the 64-year-old rapper, hype man, and co-founder of Public Enemy, has always been known for creating viral moments throughout his career. His a cappella version of the national anthem is just another example of his ability to surprise and defy expectations.

In an interview, Flavor Flav discussed how the opportunity to perform the national anthem in Milwaukee came about. It was the president of the Milwaukee Bucks, Peter Feigin, who made it happen. Flavor Flav asked if he could sing the national anthem at a Bucks game, and after sending Feigin a video of himself singing it, he was given the green light.

Performing the national anthem had been a longtime "bucket list" wish for Flavor Flav. He expressed gratitude to God for giving him the power and opportunity to accomplish it. He also admitted that he expected the performance to go viral, as nobody would have anticipated Flavor Flav of Public Enemy singing the national anthem.

Flavor Flav acknowledged that the national anthem is a notoriously difficult song to sing. However, he didn't feel the need to practice extensively because he already knew the song and how he wanted to sing it. He simply did a sound check before the performance and trusted himself to deliver.

As Flavor Flav started singing, his mind was focused on nailing the performance. He was aware that the whole world was watching and wanted to make sure he did a great job. He purposely sang the "home of the brave" part in a unique way, hoping it would lead to future opportunities to perform the national anthem.

Overall, Flavor Flav felt the performance went well. He expected some haters but believed that the majority of people love him. He acknowledged that performing the national anthem was different from his usual rap performances, as he had to sing a melody instead of rapping words. However, he wanted to showcase his ability to hold a note.

When asked if he would do it again, Flavor Flav expressed his willingness to perform the national anthem in the future. He mentioned that he would do it more quickly next time, as he took his time with this performance to have fun with it. Now that he has shown what he can do, he feels confident in delivering a strong performance without hesitation.

In conclusion, Flavor Flav's rendition of the national anthem in Milwaukee was memorable and received mixed reviews. Despite the criticism, Flavor Flav is proud of his performance and would be open to doing it again in the future. He sees it as an opportunity to showcase his talent and prove that he can hold a note.

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