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Overwatch 2 Introduces Mauga as the First Samoan Hero at BlizzCon 2023

Blizzard confirms that Mauga is the next hero in Overwatch 2, with new characters and game modes also announced.

Blizzard has confirmed that the next hero in Overwatch 2 is Mauga, after the news leaked on the Nintendo Switch eShop news channel. The announcement was made during BlizzCon 2023, where Blizzard showcased an overview trailer of Mauga, highlighting his weapons and abilities. Mauga is a heavy assault character, equipped with powerful artillery weapons like the incendiary chaingun and the volatile chaingun, which he affectionately refers to as Gunny and Cha Cha.

One of Mauga's standout moves is his unstoppable charge called Overrun, allowing him to rush through the battlefield with force. Additionally, Blizzard revealed that Mauga is the first Samoan hero in Overwatch.

Blizzard also teased the arrival of more heroes in Overwatch 2 next year. Season 10 will introduce a new damage hero named Venture, while Season 12 will bring a new support hero with the codename Space Ranger.

In addition to new characters, Blizzard shared details about a new core PvP game mode called Clash. They also announced that the Hanamura map from the original Overwatch will return as Hanaoka in 2024. Furthermore, early 2024 will see a revamped version of the competitive system, complete with new competitive rewards.

Polygon and redditors reported that the eShop accidentally revealed Mauga as the next tank hero in Overwatch 2. Players can expect Mauga to join the roster of playable characters alongside Season 8 on December 5, following a sneak peek trial this weekend.

BlizzCon 2023 has brought forth a range of exciting updates for Overwatch 2. To stay up to date with all the announcements, IGN has a comprehensive guide on how to watch BlizzCon 2023.

Overwatch 2 has faced controversy since its release, with fans expressing their dissatisfaction. It initially held the title of the worst user-reviewed game ever on Steam (now second-worst), with criticisms directed towards Blizzard's decision to replace the premium Overwatch with the free-to-play Overwatch 2, the cancellation of the highly anticipated PvE Hero mode, and the aggressive monetization. In a recent financial call, publisher Activision Blizzard acknowledged the decline in Overwatch 2 engagement and player investment.

Blizzard now faces the challenge of convincing Overwatch 2 players that the game is heading towards significant improvements and a brighter future.

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