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Worst loss in Auburn history: Did we just witness it?

Auburn's shocking 31-10 loss to New Mexico State could be the worst in history. Here's why it's so embarrassing.

The 31-10 loss of Auburn to New Mexico State at Jordan-Hare Stadium was a shocking and embarrassing defeat. This loss was historic and may be considered the worst loss in the history of Auburn football. The Tigers entered the game on a three-game winning streak, hoping to continue their positive momentum into the Iron Bowl.

The loss to New Mexico State, a relatively unknown opponent, was unexpected. The Aggies, who have a good record this year, do not have a strong football history. However, their victory against Auburn has changed that perception.

While this loss was significant, there are five other candidates for the worst loss in Auburn history. One of these losses includes a game against an Alabama team that was 4-6 and had lost to Georgia Tech and Vanderbilt. Another loss was to Southern Miss, where turnovers and the "pay for play" scandal contributed to the defeat. Additionally, a rare home loss to South Florida and a significant loss to Alabama in the Iron Bowl are also considered as potential candidates for the worst loss in Auburn history.

The 31-10 loss to New Mexico State was a devastating defeat for Auburn. Despite the team's previous success, this loss was unexpected and has raised questions about the team's future performance. The context of this loss, including the team's momentum and the opponent's history, makes it a significant moment in Auburn football history. If there are other candidates for the worst loss in Auburn history, we would love to hear about them. Let us know if there are any other significant losses that should be considered.

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