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Dirty Hit on Vikings Quarterback Josh Dobbs: Did it Look Like It?

Vikings head coach Kevin O'Connell's play call criticized as too cute, quarterback Josh Dobbs takes a hit, NFL reviewing potential discipline.

The decision made by head coach Kevin O'Connell to have quarterback Josh Dobbs take a quick toss from tight end T.J. Hockenson in a short-yardage situation was heavily criticized as being too risky and unnecessary. Dobbs ended up fumbling the ball after taking a hard hit, and many believe that the hit should have resulted in a penalty. Broncos safety Kareem Jackson appeared to deliver a dirty hit, leading to calls for potential discipline from the NFL.

Coach O'Connell expressed his frustration with the officials' decision not to call a penalty on the play, while Dobbs focused on taking responsibility for protecting the football. The NFL is reviewing Jackson's actions for potential discipline, as this isn't the first time he has been involved in controversial physical plays on the field.

The hit on Dobbs came on Jackson's first drive back from a suspension for a previous illegal tackle, raising concerns about his conduct on the field. Despite the missed call, Dobbs was quickly cleared and returned to the game after being checked in the medical tent.

Ultimately, the decision not to call a penalty had a significant impact on the game, as the Vikings would have retained possession around midfield if a penalty had been called. The controversy surrounding this play has sparked discussions about player safety and the need for consistent enforcement of penalties on dangerous hits.

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