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History WVU football Thanksgiving

WVU head coach Neal Brown has made one thing clear ahead of the Mountaineers' game at Baylor: This week is about food and football.

West Virginia University head coach Neal Brown has emphasized that this week is all about food and football as the Mountaineers prepare to face Baylor. Throughout the 130 seasons of gold and blue football, there have been numerous Thanksgiving games where food and Mountaineer football were intertwined. West Virginia has participated in 37 games on Thanksgiving Day, with a record of 18-17-2 in those games.

One of the most notable Thanksgiving games was in 1922 when WVU played against Washington & Jefferson. This game was particularly significant as it marked the first undefeated season for the Mountaineers. The game was filled with hype and excitement, with additional bleachers being brought in to accommodate fans. West Virginia secured a 14-0 victory, propelling them to their first-ever bowl game, the East-West Christmas Classic.

Another memorable Thanksgiving game was in 1994 when the Mountaineers faced Syracuse. This game was special as it was the first Thanksgiving game in Morgantown since 1937. Despite a lack of scoring, West Virginia emerged victorious with a 13-0 win, completing one of the best season turnarounds in the school's history.

In 2005, West Virginia faced Pitt in a snowy and frigid Backyard Brawl. This game was particularly significant as it clinched a Big East Championship for WVU and set up the school's first-ever BCS bowl appearance. The Mountaineers secured a dominant 45-13 victory, with standout performances from Steve Slaton and Pat White.

These Thanksgiving games hold a special place in the history of West Virginia football, serving as a reminder of the unique traditions and memorable moments that have been part of the program for over a century. As the Mountaineers prepare to face Baylor, they carry with them the legacy of these historic Thanksgiving games, highlighting the deep connection between food and football in the rich tapestry of West Virginia football history.

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