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Kalani Sitake Big 12: BYU's Best Hand Not Enough

BYU went all in against Oklahoma State, but their best hand wasn't enough. Now, they need to find better cards.

Mike Gundy, the head coach of Oklahoma State, faced a formidable opponent in Kalani Sitake, the coach of BYU, during a football game. Sitake's aggressive strategy and bold moves, such as fake punts and onside kicks, initially put Oklahoma State on the back foot, leading to BYU taking a commanding lead. However, despite Sitake's bold moves, BYU ultimately fell short, losing the game in double overtime.

Critics have raised questions about Sitake's decision-making during the game, particularly the offensive strategy and not staying aggressive in the second half. However, Sitake defended his choices, emphasizing that the lack of talent and depth in the BYU program was ultimately what cost them the game. He acknowledged that BYU needs to make significant changes to compete in the Big 12.

The game highlighted the disparity in talent between BYU and Oklahoma State, with the latter boasting star players such as Ollie Gordon II and Alan Bowman. Sitake acknowledged that the experience of playing against top-tier teams in the Big 12 will help BYU grow and improve for future seasons.

In the end, the game served as a learning experience for BYU, shedding light on the areas where the program needs to improve. Sitake remains optimistic about the future, emphasizing the need for the team to get stronger, faster, and more competitive in preparation for the next season in the Big 12.

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