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Matthew Perry Family Statement Foundation Giving Tuesday

Matthew Perry's family honors his legacy with foundation to help those struggling with addiction, supported by Friends co-stars.

The Matthew Perry Foundation has made it clear that its mission is to provide assistance to those who are struggling with addiction. In a recent statement released in honor of Giving Tuesday, Matthew Perry's family expressed their commitment to honoring his legacy through the foundation. They emphasized the potential of the foundation to make a difference in the lives of those affected by addiction.

Launched in early November, the Matthew Perry Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to continuing the actor's efforts to support individuals dealing with addiction. The foundation aims to uphold Perry's legacy, drawing inspiration from his own words and experiences, and driven by his passion for making a positive impact on as many lives as possible. The Hollywood Reporter highlighted that the foundation is a donor-advised fund sponsored and maintained by the National Philanthropic Trust. Perry's stepfather, Keith Morrison, also used social media to encourage support for the organization.

Perry's passing on October 28 deeply affected those who knew him. Law enforcement sources revealed that initial tests did not detect fentanyl or meth in his system at the time of his death, and more detailed tests are underway. Despite his past struggles with substance abuse, no drugs were found at the scene, and foul play is not suspected. Best known for his role as Chandler Bing on Friends, Perry was a main cast member throughout the show's 10-season run, earning an Emmy nomination for his performance in 2002.

In a joint statement, Perry's former Friends co-stars expressed their profound grief over his loss, emphasizing that they were more than just castmates, but a family. They acknowledged the devastation caused by Perry's passing and conveyed their love and thoughts to his family, friends, and everyone around the world who loved him.

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