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UConn basketball star freshman knee injury: freshman to miss time

UConn star freshman Stephon Castle will miss time due to a knee injury, but should return later in the season. #UConnBasketball

UConn basketball had a remarkable season last year, unexpectedly winning the national championship. This success raised the bar for the team, with high expectations for the current season. Ranked #6 in the country, the Huskies have shown promise in their three games so far. However, they face a tough test as they prepare to play at Indiana.

One of the key factors in UConn's championship run last season was their ability to avoid significant injuries. Unfortunately, they are not off to the same start this year. Star freshman Stephon Castle is set to miss some time due to a knee injury, and Donovan Clingan is also dealing with foot issues. Despite these setbacks, there is hope for Castle's return later in the season.

The injury bug has hit UConn early, but they remain focused on their upcoming game against Indiana. While it's a challenging start to the season, the Huskies are determined to overcome these obstacles and continue their pursuit of success on the court.

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