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Arsenal fans angry at double standards as Jack Grealish avoids penalty for handball

Arsenal fans are fuming after Jack Grealish avoids a handball, a day after Kai Havertz was penalised for one against Aston Villa.

Arsenal fans are not happy about the recent handball decisions in the Premier League. After losing to Aston Villa, Arsenal thought they had an equalizer from Kai Havertz, only for it to be ruled out for a handball. This controversial decision has left fans frustrated, especially after seeing Jack Grealish avoid a handball in Manchester City's game against Luton Town.

The frustration stems from the fact that Grealish's handball went unpunished, while Havertz's was ruled out. This has sparked a debate on social media, with fans questioning the inconsistency in the decisions. The controversy has only added to the disappointment of Arsenal fans, who feel they have been on the wrong end of refereeing decisions in recent games.

The frustration of Arsenal fans is understandable, as they feel that the decisions have had a direct impact on the outcome of games. This has led to accusations of inconsistency and even corruption in the refereeing decisions. The controversy has also reignited the debate around the use of VAR in the Premier League, with many fans calling for more clarity and consistency in the decision-making process.

Overall, the recent handball decisions in the Premier League have left Arsenal fans feeling aggrieved and frustrated. The controversy has sparked a heated debate on social media, with fans expressing their disappointment and calling for more transparency in the decision-making process. As the season progresses, it will be interesting to see how these controversial decisions continue to impact the Premier League and the teams involved.

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