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Ja Morant Self-Defense: NBA Player Admits Punching 17-Year-Old in 2022

NBA star Ja Morant faces trial for assault charges after a high school basketball player claims he was attacked in Morant's home.

Ja Morant is currently facing a trial for assault charges brought against him by high school basketball star Joshua Holloway. The incident took place in Morant's home in 2022 and has been the subject of public scrutiny for over a year. Morant claims he acted in self-defense, citing tension and aggressive gestures from Holloway as the reason for his actions.

The altercation began when Holloway threw the ball at Morant aggressively, leading to a demonstration of basketball plays by Morant. The situation escalated when Morant asked Holloway 'What you on?', and Holloway responded by pulling up his shorts, which Morant interpreted as a fighting stance, prompting him to strike first.

The trial has revealed details from both sides, with Morant and eyewitnesses claiming that Holloway became increasingly angry after losing multiple games, leading to the altercation. Morant asserts that he felt threatened by Holloway's actions, prompting his self-defense response. Holloway's lawyer, on the other hand, sought to demonstrate the danger her client was in and disputed Morant's claims.

The trial also delved into Morant's celebrity status and the events leading up to the altercation, shedding light on the context of the situation. Despite the ongoing legal proceedings, Morant is expected to return from suspension to play for the Memphis Grizzlies, providing a much-needed boost to the team.

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