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Watch Will Levis lowers shoulder, trucks Jalen Ramsey

Titans rookie QB Will Levis showed his toughness during a game against the Miami Dolphins, taking big hits and making impressive plays.

Tennessee Titans rookie quarterback Will Levis displayed remarkable toughness during the Week 14 game against the Miami Dolphins. In the second quarter, he evaded a potential sack on third down and then took off running, only to be met by Dolphins cornerback Jalen Ramsey, a former Titans player. Despite the challenge, Levis refused to back down. He lowered his shoulder and pushed through, gaining an extra yard or two on the run. Although he was short of the first down, a penalty was called, giving the Titans the opportunity to advance.

During the same drive, Levis once again ran with the ball and came close to scoring a touchdown, but was stopped at the one-yard line. His determination and resilience were evident as he exposed himself to a big hit in an attempt to gain an extra yard. The Titans ultimately scored a few plays later on a Derrick Henry touchdown run.

After the series, head coach Mike Vrabel advised Levis to be cautious on the field. The Kentucky product also took a significant hit while attempting to prevent a touchdown after throwing an interception.

Levis' willingness to endure a big hit in order to make a play is indeed commendable, but he must also prioritize his safety. It is fortunate that he did not sustain any injuries during the game.

The display of Levis' toughness and determination has earned him recognition, with his leadership and accountability also being highlighted in various clips. Titans rookies have also received praise for their performances in recent games.

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