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Video Shows Michael B. Jordan Ferrari Street-Racing Before Crash

Michael B. Jordan's crash investigation takes a turn as dashcam video emerges, showing his Ferrari street-racing before slamming into a SUV.

Ten days after the car crash involving actor Michael B. Jordan, a dashcam video has surfaced that could change the course of the investigation. The video shows Jordan's blue Ferrari 812 Superfast driving alongside another Ferrari, a red 488, just seconds before the crash in Hollywood. The footage, which has no sound, shows the tail of the 812 Superfast snapping loose and the driver hitting the brakes before slamming into a parked Kia Niro crossover.

The crash occurred on December 4th around 11:30 PM on Sunset Boulevard in Hollywood, Los Angeles. An investigation is ongoing, and it has been reported that Jordan was not under the influence at the time of the accident. The newly emerged video is expected to help authorities determine who is at fault.

The driver of the other Ferrari involved in the apparent street race was not present at the scene. Street racing is illegal in California, and both Jordan and his companion could face consequences for their reckless behavior if it is determined that they were racing. The video shows that the boulevard was busy with traffic at the time of the crash, with cars traveling in both directions.

Thankfully, no one was injured in the crash, but both the Ferrari and the Kia sustained significant damage. The Ferrari 812 Superfast, powered by a 6.5-liter V12 engine producing 789 horsepower, is a high-performance vehicle capable of reaching speeds of 211 mph. Jordan, a known Ferrari enthusiast, had previously participated in a driving program with the luxury car manufacturer.

The emergence of the video has raised questions about the circumstances of the crash, and Jordan may need to provide an explanation. Without the video, the incident may have been attributed to distracted driving, but now the actor could face more serious consequences.

Overall, the dashcam footage has added a new layer of complexity to the investigation, and it may have a significant impact on the outcome of the case. The video provides crucial evidence that will be considered as the authorities continue their inquiry into the crash involving Michael B. Jordan and the high-performance Ferrari 812 Superfast.

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