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Celine Dion loses control muscles stiff-person syndrome battle NBC Connecticut

Celine Dion's health is deteriorating due to stiff-person syndrome, leading to the cancellation of her world tour, but she remains determined.

Celine Dion's battle with stiff-person syndrome has been a challenging journey, impacting her ability to control certain body movements. This heartbreaking struggle has forced her to cancel her "Courage" World Tour, as the demands of touring have become increasingly difficult for her to manage. Despite these health challenges, Celine recently made a public appearance, showcasing her determination to continue living her life to the fullest.

During her recent appearance, Celine interacted with the Montreal Canadiens' head coach Martin St. Louis in the locker room, exuding a chic and calm demeanor as she engaged with the team and even shared a lighthearted moment with them. Additionally, she spent quality time with her sons, attending a hockey game and meeting with coach Martin St. Louis. These moments highlight her resilience and determination to embrace life despite her health struggles.

In the midst of her battle with stiff-person syndrome, Celine has been receiving specialized care from doctors in the Las Vegas area, where she resides with her sister. This tailored medical attention is crucial for her ongoing treatment and management of the rare neurological disorder. With the unwavering support of her family and the expertise of her medical team, Celine is navigating this difficult health condition with courage and determination.

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