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John Terry tips Alfie Gilchrist for bright future at Chelsea

Chelsea legend John Terry has claimed that Alfie Gilchrist will be the next star to come out of the club's academy.

Chelsea legend John Terry has high hopes for Alfie Gilchrist, touting him as the next star to emerge from the club's academy. The 20-year-old defender, who captained Chelsea's youth sides last season, made his first-team debut in a win against Crystal Palace. Terry praised Gilchrist's exceptional attitude and performance, predicting big things for the young player. He suggested that Gilchrist's next step would be a loan spell to further develop his skills. The Chelsea academy has a track record of producing players who have made an impact on the first team, such as Reece James, Ruben Loftus-Cheek, Tammy Abraham, and Callum Hudson-Odoi. With Gilchrist's promising debut, fans are eager to see more of him in upcoming games.

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