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Paula Abdul accuses American Idol producer Nigel Lythgoe of sexual assault

Paula Abdul accuses former "American Idol" producer Nigel Lythgoe of sexual assault during her time on the show and after.

Paula Abdul has filed a lawsuit accusing former "American Idol" producer Nigel Lythgoe of sexually assaulting her in the early 2000s when she was a judge on the reality competition show. The lawsuit, filed in Los Angeles, also claims that Lythgoe sexually assaulted Abdul after she left "American Idol" and became a judge on Lythgoe's other competition show "So You Think You Can Dance."

A lawyer for Lythgoe did not immediately respond to the allegations. Abdul's lawyer, Douglas Johnson, commended Abdul for speaking out publicly and stated that she is determined to see that justice is done.

Lythgoe expressed shock and sadness at the allegations, claiming that he considered Abdul a "dear" and "entirely platonic" friend. He also stated that he would fight the allegations with everything he has.

According to the lawsuit, Abdul remained silent for years about the alleged assaults out of fear of retaliation by "one of the most well-known producers of television competition shows." The lawsuit details the alleged assaults, including an incident in which Abdul says Lythgoe groped her in an elevator and attempted to kiss her at his home.

The lawsuit was filed just days before the Dec. 31 deadline of a California law that opened a one-year window for victims to file lawsuits involving sexual abuse claims after the statute of limitations has run out. This law has led to more than 3,700 legal claims in New York.

The allegations against Lythgoe are serious and could have significant implications for his career. It is important to remember that these are just allegations at this point, and the legal process will determine the truth of the matter.

It is difficult to know the truth behind these allegations, but it is important to take them seriously and allow the legal process to run its course. It is also important to consider the impact of these allegations on Abdul and other survivors of similar situations. Their voices deserve to be heard, and they deserve justice.

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