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Oprah Winfrey Denies Disturbing Taraji P. Henson Feud Rumors

Oprah Winfrey denies feud with Taraji P. Henson. Henson said she had to fight for basic necessities on set.

Oprah Winfrey has made it clear that there is no bad blood between her and Taraji P. Henson. The media mogul dismissed rumors of a feud between the two during a red carpet interview at the 2024 Golden Globe Awards. Winfrey expressed her dismay at being dragged into the conversation and emphasized that she has always been a champion for everyone.

She explained that the viral analysis of their interaction at the top of the Empire State Building was taken out of context, and that they were simply cold during the interview. Winfrey, who co-produced "The Color Purple," in which Henson stars, stated that she made every effort to ensure a positive filming experience for Henson and the rest of the cast.

Winfrey addressed concerns raised by Henson, such as the need for rental cars, trailers, and food, and assured that she personally intervened to resolve these issues. She also clarified that she was not in charge of the film's budget.

The speculation of a rift between Winfrey and Henson began after Henson expressed frustration over being paid less than non-black actresses and having to fight for basic amenities on set. However, Henson also praised Winfrey for her support and encouragement during the filming of "The Color Purple."

Despite the social media speculation about their "body language" in a photo taken at the Empire State Building, both Winfrey and Henson have made it clear that they have a positive working relationship and that Winfrey has been a supportive figure throughout the filming process.

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