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Reporter: Ron DeSantis' 'pale pastels' remarks during debate with Nikki Haley may 'start to ring a little sexist' | Blaze Media

NBC News correspondent Ali Vitali accused Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis of sexism for criticizing Nikki Haley's "pale pastels" while debating.

NBC News and MSNBC correspondent Ali Vitali took to Instagram to suggest that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' use of the phrase "pale pastels" during a GOP presidential primary debate against former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley could be perceived as "sexist."

In a series of tweets and a blog post during the debate, Vitali criticized DeSantis for using the "pale pastels" language to describe Haley's policies, particularly as she stood on stage in a pale pastel pink dress. She argued that none of the male candidates have had their clothing used to criticize their policies, suggesting that the commentary could be seen as sexist.

DeSantis' use of the phrase appeared to be an attempt to evoke terminology used by former President Ronald Reagan. In a speech at the 1976 Republican National Convention, Reagan called for bold, unmistakable colors with no pale pastel shades, a sentiment he echoed at the 1984 Republican National Convention.

Social media users responded to Vitali's comments, with some defending DeSantis and explaining that the "pale pastels" language was a famous Reagan line that had nothing to do with clothing.

Vitali, the author of the book "ELECTABLE: Why America Hasn't Put A Woman In the White House...Yet," has been vocal about issues related to gender and politics. Her critique of DeSantis' language during the debate reflects her ongoing interest in the intersection of gender and political discourse.

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Comments on Reporter: Ron DeSantis' 'pale pastels' remarks during debate with Nikki Haley may 'start to ring a little sexist' | Blaze Media