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Kerr criticizes Bulls fans for booing late GM Jerry Krause

Warriors' coach Steve Kerr called Bulls fans' boos at halftime ceremony for Jerry Krause "shameful" and "devastating" to his widow.

The Golden State Warriors' victory over the Chicago Bulls on Friday night was marred by a disrespectful incident during the halftime Ring of Honor ceremony. The ceremony was meant to honor the legendary 1995-96 Bulls roster, but it took a sour turn when a video tribute to late general manager Jerry Krause was met with boos from some fans. This uncomfortable scene was made even worse by the fact that Krause's widow, Thelma, was present at the ceremony and unfairly received the brunt of the fans' vitriol.

Warriors coach Steve Kerr, who was a key member of the 1995-96 Bulls team, was devastated when he learned about the incident. He expressed his disgust at the disrespectful behavior of the fans, emphasizing that the ceremony was meant to celebrate the joy and love that the team shared with the city of Chicago. Kerr made it clear that the fans who booed should be ashamed of their actions, as they tarnished what should have been a joyous occasion.

Jerry Krause played a significant role in the Bulls' six championship wins and was named NBA Executive of the Year twice during his tenure in Chicago. Despite any controversies surrounding his time with the team, the ceremony was intended to honor the positive contributions he made to the Bulls' success. Unfortunately, the disrespectful behavior of some fans marred the celebration and left a sour taste in the mouths of those who witnessed it.

Kerr's comments resonated with many who felt that Thelma Krause was unfairly treated during the ceremony. The disrespectful behavior of the fans detracted from the intended spirit of the event and cast a shadow over what should have been a moment of celebration and remembrance.

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