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Kareem Hunt Statement Returning Browns

Kareem Hunt intends to return to the Cleveland Browns next season, hoping to help them secure a Super Bowl win.

Kareem Hunt has expressed his desire to return to the Cleveland Browns next season, following the team's disappointing loss to the Houston Texans. Having spent the last five seasons with the Browns, Hunt is keen on continuing to play for his hometown team. He stated, "I'm not going nowhere," indicating his commitment to the team. However, he also mentioned that he will evaluate his options as a free agent in the offseason.

Despite the uncertainty, Hunt is clear about his ideal scenario, which is to help the Browns secure a Super Bowl victory. He expressed his desire to contribute to the team's success and emphasized his support for the organization. Throughout the season, Hunt made significant contributions to the Browns' offense, particularly in short-yardage situations, finishing the season with a team-high nine rushing touchdowns.

Head coach Kevin Stefanski praised Hunt for his performance and the impact he had on the team, highlighting his resilience and style of play. In addition to Hunt, quarterback Joe Flacco's potential return to the Browns has been discussed. Hunt expressed his support for Flacco, noting his leadership and the potential for him to mentor Deshaun Watson, who is set to be the starting quarterback next season.

Overall, Hunt's desire to return to the Browns reflects his commitment to the team and his desire to contribute to their success. As the offseason approaches, the Browns will consider their options for the upcoming season, with the potential return of both Hunt and Flacco being discussed as part of their future plans.

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