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Theo Epstein's wife: A glimpse into personal life of ex-Red Sox GM and new co-owner of FSG

Theo Epstein joins Fenway Sports Group as part owner and advisor, stepping down from MLB role. Wife Marie Whitney is also notable.

The big news that broke on Friday was that Theo Epstein, a well-known figure in Major League Baseball, will be joining Fenway Sports Group as part owner and part-time senior advisor. This means that he will be stepping down from his role as a consultant to the league, where he has been serving since 2021. In his new role, Epstein will be working closely with John Henry, Tom Werner, Mike Gordon, and Sam Kennedy.

Supporting Epstein in this new endeavor is his wife, Marie Whitney. The two have been married since 2007 and have two children, Jack and Andrew. While Epstein has been making a name for himself in the baseball world, Whitney has also been making a difference in her own right. She is the creator of Two Penny Blue, a charitable fashion line that donates a school uniform to a girl in need in Africa for every jacket sold.

Whitney has a passion for getting involved in causes that are close to her heart. She has volunteered at Horizons for Homeless and is also involved in Epstein's Foundation to be Named Later, a philanthropic organization that he co-founded with his brother, Paul, in 2005.

Theo Epstein's family background is filled with creativity and talent. His grandfather, Phillip G. Epstein, and great uncle, Julius J. Epstein, both won Academy Awards for the screenplay of Casablanca. His father, Leslie Epstein, is a novelist and heads the Creative Writing Program at Boston University, while his mother, Ilene, runs a clothing store. Additionally, Epstein's sister, Anya, is a screenwriter and television producer, known for her work on Homicide: Life on the Street and Tell Me You Love Me.

It's clear that Epstein's lineage has played a significant role in shaping his career in the big leagues. Working in the front office of Major League Baseball teams like the Chicago Cubs and Boston Red Sox requires creativity and innovation, qualities that Epstein has undoubtedly inherited from his family. With his new role at Fenway Sports Group, Epstein is sure to continue making a significant impact in the world of sports.

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