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Peso Pluma Nicki Nicole Timeline Relationship

In 2022, Peso Pluma and Nicki Nicole united for the remix "Por Las Noches." Their collaboration ended in controversy in 2023.

In 2022, the remix of the single "Por Las Noches" brought together Peso Pluma and Nicki Nicole, sparking excitement among fans of both artists. The collaboration was met with praise and admiration, with Nicki Nicole expressing her gratitude for the opportunity to work with Peso Pluma. The release of the video for the remix in March 2023 further solidified their partnership, leading to joint appearances at various events and public outings.

However, the seemingly blossoming relationship took a turn just before Valentine's Day, when Nicki Nicole made a cryptic statement on social media, hinting at a possible breakup. This came shortly after a video of Peso Pluma holding hands with another woman in Las Vegas surfaced online during Super Bowl weekend, causing speculation and rumors about the status of their relationship.

Nicki Nicole's message emphasized the importance of respect in a relationship, indicating that she had chosen to leave due to a lack of care and respect. While her team refrained from providing further details, the situation raised questions about the future of their collaboration and personal involvement.

As fans and the public await clarity on the situation, the timeline of Peso Pluma and Nicki Nicole's relationship serves as a reminder of the complexities of love, respect, and the challenges that can arise in the public eye. The unfolding events have sparked curiosity and discussion, leaving many to wonder about the fate of their partnership and the impact of personal choices on their professional endeavors.

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